Dr. Rimer founded the D.E.A.L. (Dental Excellence, Advancement and Learning) Study Club 26 years ago to help coordinate treatment of these kinds of difficult cases amongst his colleagues and to help educate members of the team as to the possibilities available in managing complex patient care.

The clinicians he works with have the same culture of excellence and in fact his study club, DEAL is the standard by which he and his members treat patients. This club has been responsible for influencing many of its members which has ultimately elevated the level of care to all our patients. This is an affiliate of the nationally recognized Seattle Study Club family.

D.E.A.L. (Dental Excellence, Advancement and Learning) Study Club

DEAL is an educational experience promoting interdisciplinary diagnosis and treatment planning to ultimately result in the improved care of our patients.

The club’s members are diversified and include both generalists and specialists of the different disciplines of dentistry. The educational program is organized to include full day seminars and lectures by world and nationally renowned speakers and leaders in different dental fields. This is supplemented by round table discussions and forums to review and discuss information gleaned from these lectures, to review the current literature and to discuss techniques and treatment options that members utilize in their practices.

This information is finally extended to the BENEFIT of our patients through the treatment/ clinical sessions that include the evaluation of real patient records and interdisciplinary team discussions to formulate and execute treatment plans. The patients are therefore ultimately benefiting from the knowledge gained through involvement in the Study Club.

It is through this team approach to dental therapy and oral rehabilitation that the overall standard of care amongst the members through the sharing of knowledge is ultimately being elevated.

We are therefore a university without walls improving our knowledge to facilitate better patient care.