Following your procedure you may or may not have significant discomfort which could last for a few days. The most significant pain usually occurs in the first 48-72 hours and then subsides. Other side effects from the surgery may be minor oozing and or bleeding which is normal. Swelling and bruising is not uncommon, which may extend down your neck or up to your eyes.
Following your appointment, we would like to suggest the following:
- Medications: If you are taking any special medications, Dr. Rimer will have advised you as to the protocol for taking these, following this type of surgery. Pain Medications: Take pain medication after treatment with fruit juice or a full glass of water. We suggest you do not take pain medication on an empty stomach. Sit up for 20 minutes after taking pain medication. This will decrease chances of an upset stomach. This medication may be repeated 4 to 6 hours as needed for discomfort. (or as specially prescribed for you – Do not exceed the recommended dosage). DO NOT USE ASPIRIN or products containing aspirin for 1 week following surgery. Aspirin, Advil and Aleve can contribute to bleeding problems and healing. Only the non-aspirin pain reliever, Tylenol is acceptable.
- Antibiotics: Take prescribed antibiotics as directed until all have been taken. You will begin this medication the day prior to surgery.
- An ice bag may be applied to your face in the region where the surgery was performed to reduce swelling. This can be utilized for the first 24-48 hours after your procedure and may be applied at your discretion twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off. Continue after this period if more comfortable.
- Brushing, Flossing, Rinsing and application of Gel Instructions as follows: Gentle brushing is appropriate 24 hours following the procedure. Do not brush the gum tissue of the surgical area, brushing only the teeth with a soft baby toothbrush. Please refrain from flossing in the surgical area until advised by Dr. Rimer. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water at least 4 to 5 times daily and especially after meals. Use half a teaspoon of regular table salt in a glass of water and swish gently in your mouth. Immediately following rinsing, apply prescribed Gel to the surgical area as directed by Dr. Rimer and do not eat or drink for 30 minutes after the application. Continue for a period of time as directed. DO NOT spit excessively. DO NOT use commercial mouth rinses, a Waterpik or electric toothbrush until advised.
- Diet: Please take cool CLEAR LIQUIDS only for the first 24 hours by drinking or with a spoon, NO STRAWS UNTIL ADVISED. NO DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE TO BE CONSUMED for the first 24 hours as these act as a culture medium for bacterial growth. A soft food diet is recommended for a period of up to two weeks. No hard, crunchy or foods with nuts or seeds should be consumed until you are given the go ahead from Dr. Rimer. To ensure adequate healing, please have your soft food diet include proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
- Please avoid observing the surgical areas as pulling your lips out to view the areas may cause trauma to the area. Also, try your best to keep your tongue from playing with the sutures, which causes a disruption in the healing process. Sutures will be left in place for a minimum of 2-3 weeks. These are not resorbable.
- DO NOT wear any removable devices (retainers and bite guards) until advised.
- Immediately following your procedure, refrain from any physical activity for the first 24 hours. Physical activity may cause increased swelling and pain. Please avoid physically exerting jobs, exercise or any contact sports until advised, usually for 1-2 weeks. REST: Plan to rest at home the remainder of the day of surgery and to the following day. You may read, watch TV or work at your desk from home. When sleeping, elevate your head to decrease swelling.
- Please contact our office directly at 561-368-3170 with any questions or concerns.
- Your appointment with your orthodontic office if this is part of your treatment, needs to be closely coordinated following your procedure.
Typically your orthodontic appointments will start at 2 weeks and will continue at 2 weekly intervals.